Based in Subiaco
Personally tailored, Private Pilates classes
Transform your Body with 1:1 Pilates
Unlock your potential with private Pilates sessions unique to your specific needs, helping to build strength, flexibility, and balance.
Incredibly transformative with minimal joint stress.
Stand taller, Feel stronger, Become energised
Personalised Approach
Private Pilates offers a personalised approach to movement, allowing you to focus on your unique needs, goals, and abilities in a 1:1 setting with expert guidance by instructor Jasmine Kime.
Whilst you can predict a swimmer, ballet dancer or footballer physique; a Pilates body has its own characteristics.
A gym body has the emphasis on building singular muscle groups, and focusing more on limbs than the body as a whole.
A ‘Pilates Body’
Appears graceful and elegant – as posture and alignment are paramount
Is more flexible, streamlined and dancer-like in appearance
Works the body through a comprehensive range of movement, to gain strength and support the muscles around the joints
Is extremely toned, without being bulky
Has a greater body awareness due to the concentration and control regularly practiced

Private tuition is an excellent option for anyone wanting one-on-one attention to gain the most out of the technique, and their bodies.
Private Pilates is also useful if you:
Have not exercised for some time
Are harbouring an injury or mobility issues
Feel uncomfortable with a group exercise environment
Pilates Equipment
A variety of equipment is used with performing studio Pilates (as opposed to mat Pilates). These pieces have been modernised and continue to be improved, yet the essence of the equipment still says the same.
our studio includes:
Trapeze Table (Cadillac)
Small Arm Chair
Wunda Chair
Spine Corrector
Ladder Barrell